The specialty of chiropractors, adjustments are specific high speed, low force movements which are guided to individual restricted joints of the spine or extremity.


Repetitive slow and gentle mobility work through restricted joints can help restore normal motion at areas of pain and dysfunction.

soft tissue & muscle work

such as trigger point therapy or active muscle release.

exercise prescription

The specialty of chiropractors, adjustments are specific high speed, low force movements which are guided to individual restricted joints of the spine or extremity.


Due to the sedentary and often repetitive nature of our work and leisure activities, we can develop areas of imbalance in our muscles, chronically tight muscles or areas of spasm due to compensation.  Stretching is a very important part of treatment and recovery, as well as a preventative tool as part of daily life.  Stretching is prescribed based on risk assessment and identifying muscle imbalances.  It is important to be specific with the technique, as demonstrated, and to perform regularly as part of your daily regime. 

nutritional advice

It is very important to have a balanced diet, one that provides the body with all the essential building blocks for muscle, bone, and nerve health and recovery.   By taking in essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals, we can maintain a healthy skeleton and nervous system.  A referral to a dietician or nutritional therapist may be helpful.

ergonomic advice

The way we work can directly affect how our bodies work and feel. Improper posture, especially in our vehicle, at our computer, or on our phones, can cause great stress and strain on our joints and muscles, resulting in pain and stiffness. Identifying issues here can help resolve and prevent problems now and in the future.

NOT sure what’s the right treatment for you?

Call us today on 087 907 8052 and we’ll be happy to help.